Fibroscan (liver elastography)

Liver disease is common in India. Continuing liver problems like fatty liver leads to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis (liver does not function properly due to long term damage) which accounts for almost 200,000 deaths in India every year. The commonest cause for chronic liver disease is NAFLD (Non- alcoholic fatty liver disease) commonly known as Fatty Liver, which is a life style disease occurring in individuals with improper diet, lack of exercise, tendency to gain weight and with lipid & sugar related problems in the blood. This occurs in about 1/3rd of the Indian population. The other causes are alcohol and Hepatitis B & C infections. Such patients can progress to chronic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis without having any symptoms and with essentially normal liver function test. Hence, an early diagnosis is difficult and often missed.

By the time patients develop symptoms such as jaundice, ascites, encephalopathy and gastrointestinal bleeding, the liver disease is advanced and the lifespan of the patient is significantly reduced. About 50% of patients presenting with above symptoms die within 1-1 ½ year of diagnosis. It is therefore of utmost importance that an early diagnosis is made so that early treatment may prevent disease progression and save life.

Till recently the best method for diagnosis of cirrhosis was liver biopsy which is not only invasive, but costly and associated with complications. We now have a novel technique, the liver elastography (Fibroscan), which allows noninvasive assessment of liver stiffness (fibrosis and cirrhosis), thus, avoiding the need for liver biopsy. The method is not only cheaper and non-invasive, but quicker and equally accurate as liver biopsy in diagnosis. Being an ultrasound based technique, it also helps in evaluating size and appearance of the liver. It also helps in monitoring the progression or regression of liver disease, thus allowing treatment to be tailored to individual needs.

This state of the art Ultrasound based liver elastography (Fibroscan) for diagnosis of liver diseases is now available at Sky Diagnostics, Uttam Nagar and provides immediate, non-invasive and painless measurement of liver health. It is useful in patients with fatty liver in order to identify those with fibrosis who have progressive disease. It is also useful for assessment of fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver due to any cause.